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February 2, 2023

Leverage Bing Ads to Drive B2B SaaS Growth

Bing Ads for B2B Saas

Among top-tier Bing users, who are recognized for holding prominent positions and substantial purchasing power, make your B2B SaaS business stand out. Bing is a powerful tool for campaign optimization since it offers comprehensive targeting features including geolocation, language preference, device usage, and browsing history.

Alex Hollander
Digital Marketing Coach | Agency Trainer | CEO

Public Relations: What Is It?

The process of using strategic communication to build a company's or brand's favorable public perception and reputation is known as public relations, or PR. To put it in P.T. There is no such thing as bad press, Barnum. It may be argued that a bad public image is preferable to no brand recognition. While some might view Branson's actions as obscene and attention-grabbing, others might find them to be humorous and cheeky.

How can public relations help your company?

Well-executed public relations offer your company and brand a consistent story. It gives consumers a reason to trust you enough to pay a premium price for your goods or services and helps them understand and like your brand. According to a recent Pew Research Center study, 56% of American adults believe in national news media, while 75% believe in local news sources. Only 27% of people, on the other hand, trust what they see on social media. This shows that the American public still finds official media sources to be the most trustworthy sources of information. Put another way, successful PR campaigns that result in noticeable media coverage are still necessary to make sure that people will remember and recognize your brand.

What Is PR Strategy?

A well-thought-out PR strategy enhances the story by enhancing the brand's values and existing messaging. LEGO's "Everyone is Awesome" set is a prime example of a limited-edition product with an integrated PR strategy that clearly conveys representation for the LGBTQIA+ community. The set features the colors of the pride and transgender pride flags, as well as black and brown to signify the diversity of races and ethnicities within the community. Additionally, the campaign is made much more relatable and authentic by having LEGO Group Vice President of Design Matthew Ashton talk about his own coming out experience as a gay teen. It's a timely and encouraging message that LGBTQIA+ solidarity should start in childhood.

Five Unmistakable Benefits of a B2B PR Strategy:

We've talked about how public relations raises brand visibility. Developing and implementing a good PR strategy requires work and careful planning, but the branding advantages are well worth the commitment. However, what particular advantages do they provide your company?

1. Encourages others to talk about your brand:

If your brand is new or not well-known, a well-thought-out PR strategy and campaign will spread the word about your business. The more times your brand is mentioned, the more likely it is that attention will translate into purchases.

2. Encourages credibility and trust in the brand:

Your PR strategy needs to be in line with the communication and values of your entire brand to guarantee coherence and consistency. You should probably start there if you do not have a strong knowledge of the identity of your brand. Conflicting messages will cause confusion and distrust among the public. A PR strategy that is consistent with your identity and carried out through PR initiatives tells a coherent story and shows the brand's reliability and trustworthiness. This will promote brand confidence and public compassion.

3. Targets A Specific Audience:

With a well-thought-out PR plan, you may convey a clear, concise message about a significant issue or cause, like LEGO. A tailored message is crucial when trying to reach a particular or niche audience, like LEGO did with the LGBTQIA+ community.

4. Cost-effective strategies for launching new products and services:

Invest in a successful public relations campaign and strategy rather than spending money on paid advertisements to promote the launch of a new product or service. This is important for the success of any product or service launch for two reasons: first, consumers trust unbiased third-party reviews much more than they do paid advertisements; second, they are more likely to buy a product or service that has received positive reviews from; and third, giving media owners and influencers access to exclusive previews allows you to gather useful market feedback before your official launch, which can be utilized to improve your product.

5. Boosts audience participation:*

When done well, public relations promotes audience participation. Public relations, as opposed to paid advertisements, which often use a hard-sell approach to create a sense of urgency, uses a more subtle, indirect approach that gradually develops a positive brand image. Your audience will be more likely to become paying customers and spread the word to others if you use easily accessible platforms like social media channels to share customer reviews, media coverage, and publicity by independent blogs.

There are three different kinds of media channels.

Examine the three categories of media channels used for public relations: owned, paid, and earned. The latter takes more work to get going but is simpler to sustain over time.

- Owned Media:

Since you have total control over the content, owned media channels are the best choice for any company. Examples include the copy on websites, blog posts and social media posts, email newsletters, and any other kind of promotional content. In essence, all that you are the owner of.

- Paid Media:

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, influencer marketing, and social media advertising are some of the efficient ways to raise awareness of your owned media. While SEO is necessary for organic marketing of your owned media, it is a longer-term approach than sponsored media, which aids in the short-term development of brand awareness.

- Earned Media:

Though the most useful and effective type of brand exposure, earned media is the hardest to obtain. Media attention, client testimonials, consumer comments and recommendations on social media, and search engine ranking prominence are a few examples. A successful PR strategy must be combined with a well-thought-out marketing plan in order to secure earned media. For best results, your PR strategy should make use of both owned and paid media in addition to optimizing earned media exposure, which is comparable to word-of-mouth marketing.

How to Create a Profitable PR Strategy?

A successful PR strategy is made up of several elements that work together to ensure a cohesive message and brand image. Have a Strong Brand Image: You need to have a clear brand identification before you can develop a public relations plan and campaign. A brand's identity is made up of the following fundamental elements:

Key Components of a PR Strategy:

- Target Audience: Identify your target audience and understand their needs, interests, and preferences. Tailor your messaging and communication channels to effectively reach and engage with your audience.

- Messaging: Develop clear and consistent messaging that aligns with your brand identity and resonates with your target audience. Your messaging should communicate your brand's unique value proposition and key messages.

- Media Relations: Build relationships with journalists, bloggers, influencers, and other media professionals. Pitch story ideas, press releases, and other content to relevant media outlets to secure media coverage and publicity for your brand.

- Content Creation: Create compelling and engaging content, such as articles, blog posts, videos, infographics, and social media posts. Use storytelling techniques to captivate your audience and convey your brand's message effectively.

- Social Media: Leverage social media platforms to amplify your PR efforts and engage with your audience. Share content, interact with followers, and monitor conversations to maintain a positive brand presence online.

- Crisis Management: Develop a crisis communication plan to effectively manage and respond to potential PR crises and emergencies. Be proactive in addressing issues and maintaining transparency and credibility with your audience.

Measuring PR Success:

- Media Coverage: Track the quantity and quality of media coverage your brand receives, including mentions, articles, features, and interviews.

- Audience Engagement: Monitor audience engagement metrics, such as likes, shares, comments, and click-through rates, to gauge the effectiveness of your content and messaging.

- Website Traffic: Analyze website traffic and referral sources to measure the impact of your PR efforts on driving traffic to your website and generating leads or conversions.

- Brand Sentiment: Use social listening tools and sentiment analysis to assess public sentiment and perception of your brand.

- Lead Generation: Track the number of leads generated from PR activities and assess their quality and conversion rates.


Public relations is a critical component of any successful marketing strategy. By effectively communicating your brand's story and values, building relationships with your audience and the media, and measuring the impact of your efforts, you can enhance your brand's reputation, credibility, and visibility in the marketplace. We understand that navigating these waters can be challenging, but you're not alone. Schedule a free strategy call with our ABM agency CEO, Alex Hollander. Or visit our homepage for more information regarding B2B SaaS & Tech Growth Operations!

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Alex Hollander B2B SaaS Marketing Specialist

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