B2B Marketing Reporting

Transforming data into actionable intelligence for precision targeting, enhanced ROI, and strategic growth


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+15 years

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Accountability in B2B Marketing

B2B buyer journeys span multiple channels and devices across an extended evaluation period. This forces marketing leaders to integrate offline and online tactics into synergistic campaigns with pinpoint coordination.

Yet legacy martech stacks built on siloed point solutions severely limit visibility into whatcombination of activities truly influences pipeline and revenue. For ambitious growth stage companies playing to win in competitive categories, mapping marketing success to business impact is mission critical.

However, measuring B2B marketing effectiveness remains an Achilles heel for most organizations due to reliance on generic vanity metrics like impressions, engagements and conversions. These outdated measures fail to paint an accurate, quantitative picture of customer progression.

This is why over 50% of B2B marketers admit to struggling with proving the ROI of their work to business stakeholders. The fallout is budget cuts, leadership doubts and misalignment across go-to-market teams when growth stalls.

In the modern age of accountability, reporting marketing performance and influence through a business lens is non-negotiable for resources justification. Quantifying how awareness converts to revenue is now a key competency not just a nice-to-have. Bringing this capability in-house is a complex, resource draining undertaking.

World-Class Marketing Reporting as a Managed Service

Effiqs offers B2B tech companies an advanced Marketing Reporting as a Service (MRaaS) solution designed to complement existing analytics tools through expert led interpretation that cuts through the noise. We enrich your first party data inputs with external intelligence to spotlight trends plus model future outcomes.

Consider Effiqs your dedicated marketing analytics command center, providing the context needed to confidently optimize investment across channels and campaigns. Our team essentially acts as an extension of your marketing ops function - taking time consuming data assembly and analysis off your plate.

The outcomes gained from receiving our digestible findings on a quarterly basis are profound...

Granular visibility into marketing generated pipeline and revenue broken out by multi-touch attribution so you accurately prioritize strategy and spending. Knowing which messaging resonates with target personas. Total clarity on the acquisition costs, deal cycles and expansion revenue driven by lead sources.

In other words, Effiqs reporting allows you to finally connect marketing activity to the actual business results produced across the funnel. The difference between flying blind and having 20/20 vision. Between budget cuts and budget increases.

This 360 degree perspective is only possible thanks to the fusion methodologies perfected by Effiqs...

Our Secret Sauce: Multi-Dimensional Reporting

Platform Convergence: Integrating siloed datasets from CRM, web analytics, social media, email marketing, event management and paid advertising into a single visual analytics dashboard for a consolidated view of marketing and sales performance.

Business Layer Enrichment: Linking campaign data to actual pipeline influence, deal advancement and customer lifetime value metrics provides invaluable context for optimization.

External Validation: Overlaying first-party data with market research, competitive activity, macro-economic trends, and category benchmarks provides perspective.

The output is comprehensive quarterly performance reviews, tailored to your KPIs, encompassing actionable recommendations on priority lead channels, top converting assets, progression by personas, plus 5-year market forecasts - all presented via interactive digital dashboards for dynamic exploration.

How Effiqs B2B Marketing Reporting Drives More Impact

Armed with the illuminating intelligence gathered through Effiqs Machine Learning Enriched Reporting, B2B marketers gain an unfair advantage optimizing multi-channel campaigns for relevance and returns:

Laser Focus Investments

Accurately diagnose high-performing lead gen engines vs. those stalled in maintenance mode or decleration. Double down on channel and campaign combinations with proven influence on SQLs and pipeline management.

Enhanced Budget Efficiency

Hyper-target content formats and messaging permutations converting best per persona and funnel stage. Discontinue non-performing variants and reallocate spend to proven performers for better yield.

Waterfall Forecasting

With marketing sourced pipeline properly mapped to conversion rates by stage, reliable sales forecasts can be generated based on lead velocity through the funnel. Directly quantify marketing’s funnel impact.

Contextual Spend Validation

Detailed visibility into multi-touch channel contribution towards the buying journey strengthens marketing’s position during annual planning by spotlighting their enterprise influence through hard data.

When B2B marketing reporting is powered by qualified experts connecting the dots between campaign inputs and business outcomes, marketing productivity skyrockets. Consider us your analytics companion - maximizing existing data investments through world class reporting.

Effiqs Methodology for B2B Marketing Reporting

Our team adheres to a rigorous framework with each customer focused on transforming disjointed data into growth insights:

Phase 1 – Measurement Planning

We host kickoff workshops with marketing and sales leadership to align around business objectives, core KPIs, funnel stage definitions, and nuances across tracking systems.

Phase 2 – Data Consolidation

Ingest first party sales and marketing data sources into our enterprise analytics engine including CRM, web, social, SEM, events & email platforms.

Phase 3 - Business Layer Enrichment

Map granular campaign performance to pipeline influence, stage advancement rates and lifetime value bands to quantify true ROI.

Phase 4 - External Validation

Overlay news events, macro-economic shifts, buyer surveys, market forecasts and competitive activity forContext.

Phase 5 – Analysis & Recommendations

Our data scientists dive deep to spotlight trends, opportunities and recommendations on future-proof channel mix, messaging personalization, campaign prioritization and budget allocation.

Ongoing – Quarterly Business Reviews

We meet quarterly to update recommendations based on latest intel and guide strategy. Provide anytime data support.

B2B Marketing Reporting Aligned with Business Success

Effiqs offers more than pretty reports and vanity dashboards. We equip B2B marketing teams with the meaningful intelligence needed to optimize decision making in the name of profitable growth. No more flying blind or gut instinct calls. No more misaligned priorities across the C-suite.

Our comprehensive yet digestible analysis provides CEOs and CFOs peace of mind that marketing investments directly fuel business expansion. While CMOs gain the credible insights required to confidently defend and increase budgets year over year.

Meanwhile sales teams benefit from accurate pipeline forecasting care of linked campaign-to-revenue reporting. Truly a win-win for all.

Schedule a Strategy Session

If you seek more strategic influence over executive decisions as a B2B marketing leader, then now is the time to partner with Effiqs for unrivaled marketing reporting.

Simply schedule a strategy call with Alex Hollander, CEO of Effiqs, to explore if our fanatical focus on maximizing marketing analytics ROI is in line with your vision. No flattened data or generic board reporting here - but rather qualified recommendations tailored to your organization and objectives from proven experts.

Our Technologies for

B2B Marketing Reporting

Google Data Studio

Why choose Effiqs?




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What specific benefits can B2B Marketing Reporting bring to my company?

B2B Marketing Reporting can bring numerous benefits to your company. Firstly, it provides clear and comprehensive insights into your campaign performance, allowing for precise advertising and content targeting. This accuracy drives effective lead and demand generation. Moreover, reporting enhances visibility of your return on investment (ROI), highlighting where resources have been most effective and identifying areas that require more attention. Lastly, it provides invaluable data for future forecasting and strategic planning, contributing to more effective and efficient marketing campaigns.

How is the B2B Marketing Reporting process implemented?

Our approach to implementing B2B Marketing Reporting is systematic. We start by collaboratively identifying key metrics that align with your business objectives. We then set up comprehensive reporting systems tailored to these metrics. Once the systems are in place, we analyze and interpret the data to identify actionable insights that can guide your marketing decisions. We also regularly revise and adjust the reports to ensure they continue to align with your evolving strategic goals.

Can B2B Marketing Reporting assist in real-time decision making?

Absolutely, one of the key benefits of B2B Marketing Reporting is that it enables real-time monitoring of marketing campaigns. This means you can access up-to-date data and insights at any time, which provides the flexibility to optimize your efforts swiftly and effectively. By having this data at your fingertips, you can make informed decisions in real time to maximize the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns.




We are a B2B SaaS & Tech Growth Operations Agency that offers comprehensive, data-driven solutions in a variety of service categories.

Background Hexagon - EffiqsBackgorund Asset - Effiqs
Alex Hollander B2B SaaS Marketing Specialist

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