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August 23, 2023

Google's August 2023 Broad Core Algorithm Update: A Practical Guide for B2B SaaS/Tech Marketers

Google Algorithm Update, Google 2023 Broad Core Update

Launched on August 22 and lasting for two weeks, Google's August 2023 Broad Core Algorithm Update impacts user experience, quality, and content across the board. Along with Effiqs' advise, the post provides B2B IT enterprises with particular tips for the upcoming improvements.

Alex Hollander
Digital Marketing Coach | Agency Trainer | CEO

Recognizing the Fundamentals of the Google Core Algorithm Change

This massive update, which was released on August 22, 2023, and was rolled out over the course of two weeks, affected every facet of search, including quality, content, and user experience. Any website, including ours, may experience changes in ranking due to its impartial nature. With a precursor in March 2023, this is the second update of its kind this year, but Google cautions against making changes too rapidly. Their suggestion? Our tactics should be centered on providing users with an unmatched experience and excellent content. It's also essential to comprehend Google's intentions if we want our B2B SaaS/Tech companies to continue having an online influence.

Likely SEO Dimensions Under Close Exam

- Content Caliber: Providing consumers with relevant, high-quality information is Google's North Star. In light of this, marketers ought to aim for content that not only satisfies but also exceeds industry standards.


- User Experience: Quick load speeds, mobile friendliness, and easy-to-use design are the main points of emphasis. It is our responsibility as digital gatekeepers to make sure that our platforms support this goal.


- Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness, or E-A-T: a foundation to vouch for. We are building trust and demonstrating our sectoral expertise by supporting E-A-T.


- Backlinks: Even while their heyday may be over, they remain indispensable. Other websites backlink to your website. They demonstrate to Google that other websites think highly of your website. Since Google now gives priority on user experience and high-quality content, backlinks are less important.


- Technical SEO: Our digital assets need to be strong technically in order to dominate SERPs. This entails flawless coding, a well-organized framework, and optimal security.

An Astute Approach After-Update

- Thoroughly Evaluate the Content: Analyze how relevant and rich your content is, making sure it is constantly in line with your intended keywords.


- Improve the User Experience: Make mobile responsiveness a top priority, increase load times, and simplify navigation. Make sure your platform is both eye-catching and useful.


- Boost E-A-T: Obtain backlinks from reputable sites, ask for real customer testimonials, and create material of the highest caliber to establish credibility.


- Technical Optimization: Make sure your website is flawless for Google spiders. Resolve disparities in codes, improve loading times, and strengthen site security.

- The importance of patience: It's not a sprint, but a marathon, SEO. Although it takes time to see results, the investment in user experience and quality will pay off.

When the Rankings Reverse

Variations in post-update rankings are expected. Pages with good performance may drop, and content that was previously obscured may become more visible. If you notice any notable changes:

- Remain calm: It's critical to maintain composure and avoid panicking if a Google Core upgrade affects your website. There may be a reason why your website is being penalized, as these adjustments aim to enhance the quality of search results.


- Examine your information: You ought to begin analyzing your facts as soon as you've collected yourself. This entails examining the backlinks, traffic, and rankings of your website. This will assist you in determining the locations on your website that require work.


- Make alterations to your webpage: You can begin making adjustments to your website once you've determined which sections require work. The user experience on your website and the caliber and relevancy of your content should be the main goals of these adjustments.

The following advice is for B2B tech enterprises.

- Make use of structured data markup to improve Google's comprehension of the content on your page.


- Produce films and pictures of the highest caliber for your website.


- Ensure that your website works on mobile devices.


- Update the material on your website.


- Promote the material on your website via social media.


- Make sure you follow the essential precautions to protect the data of your users and that your website is running with a valid SSL certificate.

Final Words

My team at Effiqs and I am available to help you navigate these momentous times. Should anything above resonate with you, or if you want to apply these tactics with ease, I personally encourage you to arrange a conversation with me. Let's reshape your digital trajectory together. Schedule a free strategy call with our ABM agency CEO, Alex Hollander. Or visit our homepage for more information regarding B2B SaaS & Tech Growth Operations!

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Alex Hollander B2B SaaS Marketing Specialist

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