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September 6, 2024

Best B2B email sequence software for tech companies

SaaS email sequence tools, email sequence software

Manual email marketing decreases sales, efficiency, and the risk of not meeting revenue targets. Software for email sequences quickly fixes the issue.

Alex Hollander
Digital Marketing Coach | Agency Trainer | CEO

Manual email marketing for B2B lead generation is a total waste of time and sales and will miss targets. That's why most companies partner with a B2B lead generation agency to help in this process. Then, they have to choose the right platform to automate your emails.

So, the question is, which is the best email sequence software for B2B tech companies?

You need email sequence software that allows you to personalize your emails to each recipient with unique attributes or merge tags, which influence pen, clickthrough, and conversion rates.

Not all email sequence tools are created equal; some are better at turning prospects into paying customers and others are better at keeping existing customers. This article will show you the best email sequence tools for engaging prospects at each stage of the sales cycle. Effective tools will supercharge your B2B email marketing by automating, personalizing, and scaling. Let's talk about their main benefits.

Benefits of email sequence software for B2B tech companies

Saved time

Automated email sequences save time because you don’t have to send each email manually. When these sequences are set up through email sequence software, they run themselves and the team can focus on other key tasks, such as working on new sales strategies or ways to engage with customers. This is especially helpful in complex sales cycles where follow-up at the right time is important but following up has been a pain.

The best email sequence software doesn’t just automate sending emails but also integrates with all your other tools from your CRM systems down to ensure no lead ever falls through the cracks. This user-friendly interface allows teams to set up and manage email sequences in a few clicks, saving hours they would have spent reaching out to people manually. Of course, it frees up that time for other strategic work like A/B testing subject lines or digging into performance from different email campaigns.

With email sequence tools, this translates to consistency with leads and customers. Automating follow-ups means every contact gets timely and relevant messages, a key to holding their attention and interest through the sales funnel. This reduces the sales team's workload and enhances B2B email marketing for higher conversion and better customer engagement.

Lead nurturing

Setting up automated sequences in emails allows businesses to nurture leads by sending timely relevant content to the recipient based on their actions and where they are in the sales funnel. In this way, personalized email sequences help a company nurture prospects through the buyer’s journey, making them more receptive and educated about the offering. That’s how this targeted approach ensures leads get the right information at the right time and increases conversion rates.

Advanced automation on a sales engagement platform is a game changer for sales teams. It means you can create personalized sequences based on data to nurture leads according to their unique needs and behaviors. For example, if a prospect downloads a whitepaper, you can automatically send follow-up emails drilling deeper into the product benefits and move the prospect closer to a purchase decision.

More importantly, the best email sequence tools offer detailed analytics and reporting so you can see how your email sequences are performing. This gives you real value in refining the nurturing process by seeing what content resonates with leads. So you can continue to fine-tune your email sequences for better lead nurturing, which means higher conversion rates and a more efficient sales process.

email sequence software


Another benefit of email sequence software is the highly personalized content based on the recipient’s interests and behavior. Unlike cold emailing campaigns, generic emails will drive engagement because each person contacted will feel the message is about them. This in turn enhances the recipient’s experience and multiplies the effectiveness of sales outreach.

The right email sequence software will allow a business to automate emails that are personalized down to the smallest level of customer data, from past interactions to preferences and behaviors. This is key in today’s competitive world, where customers expect the brand to know and anticipate their needs. Automated sales emails with personalized subject lines and content will get past spam filters way more and end up in the recipient’s inbox for better email deliverability and engagement.

On top of that, the best email sequence tools allow A/B testing of personalized elements such as subject lines, email content, and call-to-action buttons. The results of the analysis allow you to refine your personalized sequences to match customer expectations. This is ongoing optimization so each campaign will be more effective than the last with more engagement and better relationships with customers over time.


Automated email marketing isn’t just effective but also very cost-efficient since it reduces manpower and minimizes human error. This is how you can get the most with the least amount of resources through automation so it’s ideal for businesses looking to stretch their marketing budget. Automated email sequences generate more revenue than manual emails so it’s a big return on investment.

The best email sequence software is an all-in-one marketing solution with advanced features that even has analytics and reporting tools to track a campaign’s performance. So you don’t need to buy or subscribe to any other software, hence reducing costs. Plus, automation reduces the risk of human error, such as sending the wrong segment or forgetting to send follow-up emails to a lead. The level of accuracy at this scale means you can maintain a professional image with follow-up on all leads.

Automated email sequences mean scalability for the company without having to increase costs proportionally. Since the business will continue to grow and expand its customer base, automated systems will perform the same when volume increases, which makes this very cost-effective for small or big businesses. This scalability combined with personalization at scale means you can have quality communication with your audience and control costs.

personalized email sequences

Best email sequence software for B2B tech companies


HubSpot is widely recognized as the best email sequence software for B2B tech companies, offering a powerful suite of tools designed to enhance sales outreach and email marketing efforts. Here's why HubSpot stands out:

Comprehensive email sequencing capabilities

HubSpot’s email sequence software has all the features to create automated email sequences that fit into your sales process. Whether you’re running complex sales campaigns or simple follow-ups, you can create email sequences in minutes and engage with prospects across multiple channels.

Automation and AI-powered tools

HubSpot’s automation makes the entire email sequencing process seamless. Automated sales emails, personalized campaigns, and follow-up emails can be sent automatically, reducing manual effort and ensuring consistency. The AI writing assistant helps optimize subject lines and email content to avoid spam filters and improve email deliverability and engagement rates.

Data-driven insights and reporting

With HubSpot’s detailed analytics and reporting, sales teams can see email performance in real-time. The platform provides data-driven insights into open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates so teams can refine their outreach. HubSpot’s A/B testing allows you to test different sequences to see what works best.

Seamless integration with sales and marketing tools

HubSpot integrates with Google Sheets and CRM platforms so you can manage leads, track customer journeys, and coordinate across teams. The all-in-one marketing and sales engagement platform means your sales funnel is optimized from start to finish.

User-friendly interface and collaboration

HubSpot’s simple interface makes it easy for sales teams to create, manage, and optimize email sequences. The platform supports team collaboration so multiple users can work on campaigns without losing data accuracy. Unlimited users means your entire sales and marketing team can use the software.

Advanced features to boost sales

From cold email campaigns to lead nurturing through personalized sequences, HubSpot has got you covered for B2B tech companies. Automation, analytics, and integration mean your sales strategies are data-driven.

email sequence tool

Even if you don't like HubSpot or you think it is not for you, there are some alternatives:


Marketing professionals can speed up the lead conversion process by engaging with potential customers through Hubble’s automated email sequences. The analytics of the software makes decision-making easier, which in turn improves the sales outreach process. It works with many email clients and CRM systems, including Salesforce so it’s a great tool for collaboration.


Email marketers love MailChimp because of its advanced automation and user-friendly interface. It makes creating and managing email campaigns easy. While its integrated CRM tools give you valuable insights into audience engagement, it’s not the best for sales-oriented communications.

Full sales automation for multi-channel sales teams with As a sales engagement platform, it allows you to schedule both manual and automated email sequences with detailed reporting. Reps can simply duplicate successful campaigns and customize their emails to streamline the sales process.


SalesLoft is another engagement solution that uses email sequence software to move qualified leads through the sales funnel. It boosts sales performance by automating outreach, so teams can close more deals and increase revenue. It works well with warm leads but not with cold leads.


Besides its cold emailing reputation, Mailshake has email sequencing too. Its unique feature allows you to target only engaged leads with follow-ups based on link clicks.


Spotio’s email sequence editor combined with Autoplays gives field sales reps an edge. It generates leads at critical stages of the buying process so follow-ups are done in real time.


Overloop uses automated cold email campaigns to boost outbound sales productivity. Makes contacting leads easy and works with many email providers and CRM systems.


Email sequences can be fully automated with Saleshandy and the process from first touch to sale is more efficient. Its human-like email-sending style minimizes bouncebacks and good deliverability rates.


Email sequences can be mass-customized with QuickMail. It can pause campaign participation when a prospect responds so you can have productive interaction with active leads.

Email sequence use cases

How to use email sequences to nurture leads and revenue

You can use email marketing software with automation and personalization capabilities to increase engagement and streamline your email marketing process. This way, you'll see great results in bringing in leads and closing deals, as well as an increase in open and click-through rates.

For example, if a lead signs up for a free trial, you'll activate an email sequence.

  • The first email can be about your product or service features.
  • The second email can offer a discount on any of your products or plans
  • The third email will ask to get in touch with a sales rep.

How to use email sequences to welcome and onboard new users

An email sequence software simplifies communication and automates tasks so outreach efforts are more efficient and effective. This helps you bring in and retain new customers, increasing user activation.

For example, if a new customer signs up for a free trial, your email sequence can be as follows:

  • The first email will be a welcome email
  • The second email will have onboarding instructions
  • The third email will have usage tips

How to use email sequences for feature and product promotion

Optimizing subject lines can increase open rates, opening a big opportunity to showcase your product's features.

For example, for a user who just signed up for a new account on your platform, your email sequence can be as follows:

  • The first email will highlight your product's features.
  • The second email will share some usage tips and related content from your website.
  • The third email will provide a discount on a premium plan.

email sequence

Get the most out of your email sequence software with us

Email marketing is a great way to get the word out about your company. Modern email sequence software allows for automated email sequences that nurture leads, sales outreach, and email marketing. But it all depends on a strong email marketing strategy and smart implementation.

Don’t get sent to the spam folder! Book a free strategy call with our ABM agency CEO, Alex Hollander. Or visit our homepage for more about B2B SaaS & Tech Growth Operations!

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