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September 13, 2024

Developing sales scripts and objection handling with ChatGPT prompts

Chatgpt Prompt For Sales, Chatgpt Sales Prompts, Chatgpt Prompts, B2B Sales

Learn how ChatGPT prompts help B2B sales teams create effective scripts, address objections like budget limits, and enhance engagement through personalized outreach.

Diana Velasco
Content Strategist

B2B sales in the tech industry require a future-proof strategy to fit changes in the sector. Leveraging tools like ChatGPT can simplify many of the tasks involved in sales, from writing personalized scripts to managing objections. This blog will break down how to use ChatGPT prompts to create effective sales scripts and handle objections with ease.

Key elements of a good ChatGPT prompt

Creating powerful sales scripts starts with writing the right prompts for ChatGPT. These prompts should focus on a few key elements:

1. Set the stage: Begin by laying out the context succinctly, telling the AI what role it should assume (e.g., "Act like a senior online marketer"). This initial setting forms the foundation of the AI's understanding and approach to the task.

2. Provide market context: Include details about the market or industry you're targeting (e.g., "For B2B Tech Companies"). This contextual information helps the AI tailor its responses to the specific nuances and challenges of your sector.

3. Specify the objective: Clearly state what you aim to achieve with the prompt (e.g., "To achieve a better conversion rate"). Objectives guide the AI's focus, ensuring that the output aligns with your goals.

4. Define the desired outcome: Specify the form and function of the desired output (e.g., "Create an outline of X / Provide a top 10 of X / Provide a step-by-step guide / Brainstorm about creative ideas, etc"). Defining what success looks like ensures that the AI's output meets your expectations.

5. Outline potential constraints: Mention any limitations or specific conditions that must be adhered to (e.g., "without doing X, or while only doing X"). Constraints help refine the AI's solutions, making them more applicable to your situation.

For instance, a good prompt might look like this: 

Describe a sales strategy for a SaaS company offering a cloud-based CRM solution tailored to mid-sized businesses. The strategy should focus on lead generation, nurturing, and conversion. Include key tactics such as leveraging personalized email campaigns, LinkedIn outreach, and product demos. Explain how the sales team can collaborate with the marketing team to optimize content, track customer engagement, and use analytics to drive data-driven decisions. Highlight the importance of understanding customer pain points and adapting the sales approach to meet their needs.

Incorporating these elements ensures you get outputs that are aligned with your sales goals.

Types of sales scripts for the B2B tech industry

Cold emailing and LinkedIn outreach

ChatGPT prompts can generate customized cold emails or LinkedIn messages quickly. Include specific details in the prompt, such as the industry of the prospect, your product's value proposition, and a call to action.  

Prompt example: 

Craft a cold email and LinkedIn outreach message targeting decision-makers in the cybersecurity industry. The product is an AI-powered threat detection software designed to reduce response times and minimize data breaches by providing real-time insights and automated responses. Emphasize how the software integrates seamlessly with existing security infrastructure and reduces manual workloads for IT teams. The message should clearly outline the product's benefits, include social proof or a relevant case study, and end with a compelling call to action, such as scheduling a demo or a discovery call to discuss their specific cybersecurity needs.

Sales pitches and presentations

For presentations or pitches, you can instruct ChatGPT to create a structured narrative. Ask it to focus on key selling points and tailor the content to different stakeholders, like technical and non-technical audiences.  

Prompt example: 

Develop a sales pitch and presentation for a cloud-based project management tool, designed to appeal to both technical and non-technical stakeholders within mid-sized tech companies. For the technical audience (IT and developers), focus on the product’s integration capabilities, security features, and automation of workflows. For non-technical stakeholders (executives and project managers), emphasize how the tool improves project visibility, enhances team collaboration, and delivers measurable productivity gains. Include real-world case studies, user-friendly interface examples, and a compelling ROI analysis to show the value for both sides. Conclude with a clear call to action, such as setting up a personalized demo.

Cold call scripts

Cold calling remains relevant. Use ChatGPT to generate a friendly, approachable script that incorporates common objections and responses.  

Prompt example: 

Create a cold call script for a salesperson reaching out to IT managers at small to mid-sized companies, offering a cloud-based data backup and disaster recovery solution. The script should start with a friendly, concise introduction, highlight the product’s ability to prevent data loss and minimize downtime, and include a brief value proposition. Prepare for common objections such as 'we already have a solution' or 'we don’t have the budget.' Provide responses that emphasize seamless integration with existing systems, cost-effectiveness, and the long-term savings from preventing costly data breaches. Conclude with a call to action, like scheduling a brief follow-up meeting.

sales call

Personalization and buyer psychology for B2B sales

One critical element in sales scripts is personalization. Understanding your buyer's pain points and how they think is vital. Prompts can be designed to factor in:

  • Buyer psychology: Appeal to emotions, frame solutions in a way that minimizes perceived effort, and highlight the success of peers using your product.

  • Social proof: Ask ChatGPT to incorporate testimonials or case studies that align with your buyer's industry.

  • Offers: Structure prompts so ChatGPT frames your product as a low-risk, high-reward offer.

  • Data-driven insights: Prompts can also include real-time data or trends. By asking ChatGPT to pull in insights about your competitor's weaknesses or recent market trends, the resulting scripts will feel timely and relevant.  


Develop a sales pitch targeting CFOs in the retail industry for a financial automation software. Frame the product as a solution that reduces manual effort in financial reporting and streamlines compliance. Appeal to buyer psychology by emphasizing how it simplifies daily operations, frees up time for strategic decision-making, and reduces stress from error-prone tasks. Include testimonials from retail CFOs who have experienced significant efficiency gains. Highlight a case study demonstrating how a similar company cut costs by 20%. Present the software as a low-risk, high-reward offer with flexible pricing and rapid ROI. Incorporate current market trends that show competitors struggling with outdated financial systems, showcasing your solution as timely and essential.

Objection handling with ChatGPT

Common B2B sales objections

In B2B sales, objections are an inevitable part of the process. Successfully overcoming them can be the difference between closing a deal or losing a prospect. Sales teams must be prepared to address a range of concerns, including cost, necessity, and competition. Let’s look at some of the most common objections.

Budget limitations

One of the most frequent objections sales teams face is a prospect's hesitation due to budget constraints. Especially in B2B tech sales, where investments can be significant, prospects might not see the immediate return on investment (ROI). It’s crucial to show them how your solution will save them money in the long term.

No perceived need for your product

Another common objection is when the prospect doesn’t see the need for your solution. This is particularly challenging because it requires sales teams to first create awareness of the problem before pitching their solution.

Preferring a competitor’s offering

It's common to hear prospects mention they are already considering or are committed to a competitor. Overcoming this objection requires careful navigation. The goal is not to criticize the competitor but to highlight the unique value your solution provides.

A well-designed prompt can help prepare sales reps for these situations. For instance:

Create a B2B sales pitch script for a cloud-based HR software that addresses common objections. For budget limitations, emphasize the software's scalability, allowing companies to start with core features and expand as their needs grow, while also showcasing the long-term cost savings through process automation and reduced manual tasks. For prospects who claim no perceived need, highlight how the software optimizes workflows, reduces errors in compliance, and improves employee satisfaction, all of which directly impact profitability. To overcome loyalty to a competitor, showcase data-driven comparisons that highlight your product's superior integration, ease of use, and customer support, backed by testimonials from companies who switched and saw immediate improvements.

7-Step objection handling framework

Here’s a simple 7-step framework to handle objections using ChatGPT prompts:

1. Listen actively

You’re a B2B sales representative in a discovery call with a potential client who’s expressing frustration with their current vendor. How would you practice active listening to fully understand their pain points, without interrupting or offering solutions too early? Highlight how you’d show empathy and use subtle cues to encourage the client to share more

2. Acknowledge the concern

In a B2B sales negotiation, your prospect has voiced concerns about your solution's pricing. How would you acknowledge their concerns in a way that validates their viewpoint without agreeing that price is a deal-breaker? Explain how you’d phrase your response to show that you understand their budgetary constraints.

3. Ask exploratory questions

You’re meeting with a B2B decision-maker who has shared general challenges they face. What type of exploratory questions would you ask to dig deeper into their specific needs and how your solution might fit? Focus on open-ended questions that would help you uncover valuable information about their business operations

4. Identify the root objection

A prospective B2B client has expressed hesitation about your service but hasn’t clearly stated the main issue. How would you guide the conversation to identify the root objection without pushing too hard? Describe how you’d differentiate between surface-level concerns and the underlying issue that’s preventing them from moving forward.

5. Provide a tailored solution

After identifying the root objections of a B2B client, how would you present a tailored solution that addresses their specific concerns? Explain how you would align your product or service features with their business needs and articulate the value it brings to their company.

6. Confirm understanding

You’ve just presented a customized solution to a B2B client, addressing their primary objections. How would you confirm their understanding and ensure they are on the same page regarding your proposed solution? Outline how you’d check for clarity without coming across as condescending.

7. Transition smoothly

After resolving a B2B client's objections and confirming their understanding of your solution, how would you smoothly transition the conversation toward closing or next steps? Focus on maintaining the momentum without appearing too pushy, while positioning the close as the natural next step in the dialogue.

b2b sales

Role-playing and continuous improvement

One way to improve objection handling is to practice role-playing with ChatGPT. You can set up scenarios and have the tool act as a prospect with a specific objection. Sales teams can then refine their approach by adjusting their scripts in response to different customer feedback scenarios.

Example prompt:

Imagine you're a B2B sales representative in a call with a prospect from a mid-sized tech company. The prospect has expressed interest in your software but raises a specific objection: they believe the implementation process will be too complex and time-consuming for their small IT team to manage. In this scenario, act as the prospect, detailing your concerns about the implementation process, and respond to any follow-up questions aimed at uncovering additional objections. The goal is for the sales rep to effectively address the concern and provide a feasible solution.

Benefits of using ChatGPT prompts for B2B sales

Time and cost efficiency

Creating sales scripts and handling objections takes time—something most sales reps don't have in abundance. ChatGPT speeds up these processes. By automating these tasks, companies can save both time and money. This allows sales teams to focus on higher-value activities, such as engaging with clients and closing deals.  

For small teams with limited resources, the ability to generate custom, professional scripts on demand is a game-changer.

High-quality, consistent content

Sales success depends on consistency. Whether it's cold outreach or follow-ups, your messaging needs to stay consistent across channels. ChatGPT ensures that every piece of communication—whether email, call script, or presentation—is aligned with your brand's voice and goals. This kind of quality control enhances the company’s credibility and increases trust with prospects.

Enhanced productivity and engagement

Sales teams benefit from having more time for meaningful conversations with prospects. By using ChatGPT to automate repetitive tasks, sales reps can engage in more strategic interactions. Additionally, ChatGPT can help refine the approach, providing new ideas for pitching or objection handling based on real-time feedback.

Find 100+ B2B-vetted chat GPT prompts for sales

Using ChatGPT prompts to streamline the sales process is not just a convenience—it's a strategic advantage. From writing cold emails to tackling objections head-on, this tool empowers sales teams to be more productive, consistent, and persuasive. Nexus offers a curated library of prompts tailored specifically for B2B tech companies, helping sales professionals achieve their goals faster and more efficiently. Join now for free!

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