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January 26, 2024

Bridging the gap between marketing and sales in B2B companies

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The article explores the crucial topic of sales and marketing alignment in B2B companies. It starts by painting a vivid picture of the chasm that often separates these two teams, leading to frustrated reps, unaligned resources, and ultimately, stunted growth. The bridge to success? Alignment.

Diana Velasco
Content Strategist

Imagine a marketing campaign crafting exquisite content, attracting thousands of leads...only for sales to dismiss them as "not qualified." Or picture a sales team chasing down warm leads, unaware of their pain points because marketing kept their buyer personas a secret. This is what happens when your marketing and sales areas are not aligned. Not only do you lose time, but also money.

In this article, we'll discuss how to align sales and marketing to achieve desired growth. Let's dive in!

First things first, why is it important to align marketing and sales in a B2B company?

Recent research by Forrester tells us a captivating story: 45% of B2B companies with high sales and marketing alignment achieve revenue growth exceeding 20%. Conversely, misaligned organizations see a measly 7% growth. HubSpot reports that aligned companies close 24% more deals. It's a symphony of statistics confirming that bridging the chasm isn't just a feel-good exercise; it's a growth rocket fuel.

If stats are not enough, let’s put in common words for marketers like you and me. If you were to prepare a pitch for your next meeting talking about why marketing and sales need to be aligned, I recommend you use the following arguments:

Marketing and sales alignment increase revenue

Marketing meticulously crafts targeted campaigns, attracting a flood of leads. But instead of gold nuggets, sales discover pebbles—unqualified prospects who waste precious time and resources. With shared goals and unified efforts, marketing becomes a lead-generating machine, churning out prospects that fit the customer persona like a glove. These "warm leads" are now high-quality leads, primed for conversion. Picture seasoned sales reps effortlessly closing deals, not chasing shadows. Each aligned interaction becomes a stepping stone on the path to profit, transforming marketing spend into revenue-generating investments.

Marketing and sales alignment drives higher conversion rates

Unqualified leads are always a problem. Nor do marketing or sales departments know how to solve it quickly to avoid money losses. With alignment, leads nurtured by marketing are ready to convert with insights gleaned from sales. Each touchpoint, from blog posts to personalized emails, stokes the fire, pushing leads down the funnel with precision. Sales reps aren't left fanning dying embers; they're closing deals with laser focus, boosting conversion rates, and turning prospects into loyal customers faster throughout the sales funnel.

Marketing and sales alignment reduces customer acquisition costs

Have you ever felt that you were wasting a lot of money in acquiring just ONE customer? That’s why you need to align marketing and sales teams to have a clear roadmap to target the right audience with impressive, focused campaigns. By doing this, you’ll be attracting qualified leads at a fraction of the price, turning your B2B game into a bargain hunter's dream.

Marketing and sales alignment improves customer retention

Customer retention is the main challenge for B2B companies because your goal cannot be just to sell, but to retain, to make customers loyal to your brand so they are eager to recommend you without requesting it. Marketing and sales alignment allows you to build a strong customer retention strategy where both teams work in tandem to craft consistent messaging, deliver relevant support, and anticipate customer needs. Every interaction becomes a personalized feast, ensuring customers feel valued and understood. 

Marketing and sales alignment produce comprehensive insights

Maybe you’ve heard that today, the trend is to make data-driven decisions. That’s right, but, what if marketing and sales have different data, so they make different -or even worse- contradictory decisions? That’s why marketing and sales alignment provides a panoramic view of market trends, customer behavior, and competitive landscapes. Marketing and sales share data, analyze feedback, and uncover hidden insights. Together, they make informed decisions and strategic agility.

Now, I think you’ve gotten the point. Let’s learn how to align your marketing and sales teams. 

Building the bridge: A step-by-step guide

Shared goals & objectives

Imagine both teams staring at the same mountain peak, not two separate hills. Define common goals (increased revenue, market share dominance) and translate them into measurable objectives for each team. Celebrate joint wins, not departmental victories.

Communication & collaboration

Break down the silos! Schedule regular meetings, create shared dashboards, and establish open communication channels. Let marketing understand sales challenges and vice versa. Remember, transparency is the bridge's strongest beam.

Lead qualification & nurturing

Don't send sales on wild goose chases with lukewarm leads. Define ideal customer profiles together, and let marketing nurture leads with targeted content and campaigns that qualify them for sales follow-up. Think of it as joint lead gardening, cultivating fertile ground for success.

Data & analytics sharing

Information is power, and sharing it empowers both teams. Create a single source of truth for customer data, including lead scores, engagement metrics, and sales funnel stages. Let marketing analyze sales data to refine campaigns, and let sales leverage marketing insights to close deals. Data fuels the bridge's engine.

The journey doesn’t end here: sales and marketing alignment best practices

Now that you’ve aligned both departments, your mission is to maintain that harmony by applying the following tips:

  • Invest in alignment tools: HubSpot's Sales and Marketing Align tool is a great example. These platforms facilitate communication, data sharing, and joint goal tracking.

  • Foster a culture of collaboration: Organize joint events, team-building exercises, and cross-training sessions. Break down the "us vs. them" mentality.

  • Measure and refine: Track your alignment efforts and their impact on KPIs. Celebrate successes, learn from failures, and continuously iterate your bridge-building process.

  • Schedule regular alignment meetings: Schedule recurring meetings where marketing and sales teams come together to discuss progress, challenges, and opportunities.

  • Implement a closed-loop feedback: Establish a feedback loop where sales provides insights into the lead quality and conversion rates, and marketing refines its lead generation strategies accordingly.

  • Establish your customer personas together: Develop detailed buyer personas that both teams can reference to understand the needs and motivations of ideal customers.

Facing the marketing and sales alignment challenges

Nobody said that it would be easy, so, it’s better to be aware of the possible difficulties when applying this strategy:

  • Cultural differences: Marketing and sales often have different cultures, mindsets, and priorities. Overcoming these differences requires strong leadership and a commitment to a shared vision.

  • Lack of communication: Silos and inadequate communication can hinder alignment efforts. Regular communication is key to breaking down these barriers.

  • Technological barriers: Incompatible systems or a lack of integrated tools can impede data sharing and collaboration. Invest in the right technology solutions to overcome this challenge.

  • Resistance to change: Some team members may resist changes to established processes and practices. Change management strategies and training can help overcome resistance.

  • Measurement and attribution: Agreeing on how to measure marketing and sales contributions to revenue can be a source of conflict. Define clear measurement criteria and attribution models.

But there are companies that have faced those challenges successfully, so, let’s get inspired by them.

Marketing and sales alignment success stories

American Express

This leading financial services company wanted to take flight as a dominant force in the corporate travel industry. To achieve this, they embarked on a strategic partnership with a renowned travel association and delved deep into understanding the needs and experiences of global business travelers. So, their solution was to create a social selling team that united individuals from diverse departments and locations, bridging the gap between sales and marketing expertise. Leveraging valuable research insights, this team crafted targeted content that truly resonated with their target audience. Marketing spearheaded the content creation and distribution, while the sales team served as a crucial conduit, offering invaluable customer perspectives and ensuring a customer-centric approach.

By doing this, American Express reached over 100 million publications, attracted a staggering 1,500 page visits, and witnessed a phenomenal 100% increase in engagement on LinkedIn. 


BabelQuest, a company steeped in sales and marketing expertise, set its sights on building a predictable pipeline, not just for clients, but for themselves.

Previously, BabelQuest's efforts, despite a dedicated salesperson and intensified marketing campaigns, resulted in an influx of leads lacking clear direction. Without insights into lead quality, buyer journey stage, or optimal management strategies, the path to conversion remained murky.

Seeking a comprehensive solution, BabelQuest embraced the full spectrum of HubSpot's sales, marketing, and CRM tools. The result was a streamlined process, ensuring no inbound lead fell through the cracks. Each contact received tailored support, precisely aligned with their needs and stage in the buying journey.

BabelQuest's shift transcended mere technology adoption. It embraced a data-driven approach to refine ideal customer profiles and optimize lead nurturing strategies. Closer collaboration between sales and marketing fostered seamless handoffs and personalized engagement, guiding customers effortlessly through their buying journeys.


SuperOffice, a leading CRM software provider, launched a brand awareness and social selling strategy focused on leveraging social media for lead generation. A comprehensive plan emerged, emphasizing engagement, sharing, and increased social activity – all with the singular goal of capturing more B2B leads.

The transformation was remarkable. Sales and marketing, once siloed entities, became allies. Frequent meetings fostered open communication, where discussions revolved around content, campaigns, digital activities, and shared goals. From deciding what to post online and how often to crafting targeted strategies for prospect engagement, everything became a collaborative endeavor. The result of this initiative was a 168% increase in business leads, and a 61% increase in social media website visits. 

These three case studies paint a vivid picture of how B2B alignment can transform companies. From data-driven revenue surges to nurturing-powered conversions and conversationally collapsed cycles, the benefits are undeniable. So, take inspiration from these champions who crossed the chasm, and pave your path to alignment-fueled success!

Are you ready to build your bridge?

The chasm may seem daunting, but the rewards of a well-aligned B2B tech company are too sweet to ignore. Take the first step: schedule a free strategy call with our CEO, Alex Hollander, to delve deeper into these strategies, tailor them to your specific needs, and help you build a bridge so sturdy, that it'll carry your company to new heights. Let's cook up something magnificent together!

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