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March 10, 2023

The Most Effective Approach for B2B Saas Email Marketing

B2B Saas Email Marketing

Discover the best strategy for email marketing B2B SaaS. The article talks about the functions that email marketing can carry out well, including retargeting, onboarding, informing, direct sales, and integrating with other marketing strategies.

Paula Viatela
Content Strategist

To help you automate your SaaS email marketing platform, consider the following tools:

- Send out trigger emails: When a user interacts with an email, this kind of email is automatically sent. A welcome email will be sent to the subscriber, for example, after they have finished registering on a website or application. Reactivation emails are another feature that can help reduce user attrition.

- Drip marketing initiatives: Automatically sending a sequence of emails at predetermined intervals is a widely sought-after email marketing tactic. Based on this, you will be able to gently encourage users of your service to make a purchase or take other desired action by gradually developing a relationship of trust with them.

- Flexible Self-Government: With advanced trigger mailings, you can react to a range of user activities with greater accuracy and flexibility. At the same time, different target audience segments and different phases of the user experience are taken into consideration while creating different types of SaaS email marketing templates. These campaigns are then run in a manner akin to that of trigger mailings. Leads need to be moved from one list to another as they advance through the sales funnel. Furthermore, leads can be qualified and scored using dynamic automation; for example, leads can be ranked according to the customer loyalty index (NPS).

- Customization: The lack of a tailored approach to the recipient is the flaw of automated mailings. Content personalization will help you get rid of it. Many well-known SaaS email marketing platforms, like Drip, offer the required functionality. The most popular application of this technique is to automatically include the subscriber's name in the letter that is sent out. A more intricate but successful form of customizing is sending users routine emails containing statistics about how they use the product. This also applies to emails that offer tailored suggestions based on data or user behavior.

The best email marketing techniques for SaaS

Although email marketing for SaaS products is not really different from other kinds of marketing efforts, it does have certain special features of its own. Next, we'll look at the modern, most successful approaches to this kind of promotion:

- Split the base in half: One of the most crucial elements in the success of mailings is the appropriate segmentation of the subscriber base. They become more relevant and focused as a result, helping to reach people who are genuinely interested in advertising or other information. Many email providers allow you to divide the list into segments according to factors like geography, occupation, industry, and demography. More intricate segmentation factors exist as well, such as the degree of user interaction with the product.

- Establish the time: Another important element in the effectiveness of email marketing for SaaS companies is sending emails at the right time. The mail opening rate and other efficaciousness metrics are directly impacted by this element. Email campaign timing is determined by a number of factors, including your location and the time zone of the subscriber. Multiple mailing alternatives can be tested A/B to determine it. After sending emails at different times of the day, gather and evaluate data on email deliverability, open rate, and bounce rate.

- Consider the onboarding process: The welcome email is the most common type of SaaS email marketing. They are essential for SaaS solutions since they not only tell the user of the advantages of the service but also teach him how to utilize it properly. Software adoption rates and client retention are enhanced by efficient onboarding. Effective welcome emails can boost audience engagement by 33% (and open rates by 37%) when compared to typical marketing emails.

- Bring back subscribers: By looking at the bounce rate, you may determine which people are inactive and do not interact with your mailings (for example, do not open emails, delete them, or designate them as spam). Subsequently, you have the option to send them other kinds of reactivation letters, including "we miss you" campaigns, tutorials, tips, or other helpful information; or discounts, promo codes, or special offers; or even letters of congratulations. It is advised to choose several reactivation strategies and try them one after the other. As a result, you'll be able to lower the quantity of dormant subscribers and turn a portion of them into paying clients.

- Give them an option: Another successful SaaS email marketing tactic is letting users select the kinds of communications they want to receive. For example, you could email the entire database a survey about content preferences, process the answers, and divide the audience into appropriate categories. Sending mainly educational emails to one group and promotional emails to the other will enable you to improve the accuracy of your email targeting. This tactic can raise conversion rates for email marketing campaigns and increase subscriber engagement.


One of the most popular strategies for advertising and selling SaaS goods is email marketing. Since mailing lists assist clients at every stage of the sales process—from initial awareness to registration and payment—they are regarded as essential to the industry's success. Numerous functions, including subscriber retention, direct sales, product and company information, client onboarding, training, and more, should be handled by effective mailing lists.

Thankfully, email marketing offers a plethora of tools and technologies to assist in accomplishing marketing objectives, including preference identification, target segmentation, and the best time to send emails. Aside from registration numbers, conversion rates at various funnel stages, customer acquisition costs (CAC), average revenue per user (ARPU), average order value (AOV), average payments per time period (APC), monthly active users (MAU), and customer lifetime value (LTV), SaaS companies also use key performance indicators (KPIs) to gauge their success.

Schedule a strategy call with our specialists to take your SaaS email marketing to the next level.

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